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Asko Washer Code F2 – Troubleshooting Guide

Asko washers will display a series of error codes when faced with a problem. For example, suppose you’re experiencing the F2 error code. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

The F2 error code on an Asko washing machine means that the water levels inside are too high. The most likely reasons are a faulty water inlet valve (which allows too much water to enter the machine) and a failed drain pump (which fails to remove excess water from the drum). Unfortunately, both of these parts can’t be repaired, so they must be replaced.

Let’s take a closer look at this problem and how you can fix it.

What The F2 Code Means On An Asko Washer?

When an Asko washing machine displays the F2 error code, that means the washer is sensing that the water levels are too high inside. In this case, the likely cause is related to the water inflow or the draining function of the machine.

Whatever the cause might be, having too much water in your Asko washing machine will prevent it from working correctly.

Here’s why:

Why Too Much Or Too Little Water In A Washing Machine Is Not Good?

Washing machines like the Asko model you have at home must have an exact water level to work correctly. With enough water, your laundry items can become completely soaked, allowing their stains to be agitated and removed.

When there’s too little water, however, this will not be possible. Still, as is the case with the F2 error code, too much water is not good either. When that happens, your laundry detergent will be diluted far too much to remove the stains from your laundry effectively.

As you can see, the F2 error code is significant, and its root cause must be addressed immediately. That way, you can return to using your Asko washing machine as you usually do.

Possible Causes And Solutions

As mentioned earlier, the F2 error code shows that there’s too much water detected in the washing machine. The two possible points of failure are where the machine lets water in (i.e. the water inlet valve) and at the end where used water is drained out (i.e. the drain pump).

Let’s take a closer look at both of these components.

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Faulty Water Inlet Valve

What it is: You can think of the water inlet valve as the ‘front door’ through which all water enters your Asko washing machine. The valve is controlled electrically and functions mechanically.

Whenever you begin a new wash cycle, the appliance will signal the water inlet valve to open and allow water to enter the machine. After a few moments have passed and enough water inside, the valve will then be shut to prevent any excess water from entering afterwards.

This cycle of opening and closing can happen several times throughout the wash cycle. Whenever the Asko washer drains dirty water out of the drum, it will open the valve to replace it with fresh water to continue the washing process.

How it fails: The valve might experience a buildup of minerals, dirt, or other foreign objects that prevent it from opening and closing as it should. That will affect the washer’s overall ability to control how much water enters the machine.

However, the water inlet valve can also suffer from electrical faults. For instance, your washer’s control board will send electrical signals to the valve to close at the right moment. Still, a faulty valve will not receive that signal and instead will continue to let water in.

How to fix: When faced with a problematic water inlet valve, the only practical solution is to replace the component entirely. Unfortunately, repairing it is not an option.

To replace it, you’ll need to open the Asko washer’s top panel to access the existing pump, which is located towards the back of the machine.

Once you’ve located it, you can then remove the electrical connectors, and water hoses attached to it, as well as unmount it from the washer’s frame.

Next, mount the new pump in its place and reconnect the hoses and wiring the same way as with the previous pump.

Failed Drain Pump

What it is: The drain pump is a crucial component that helps drive used water out of the washer and into your household’s drain. You’ll find the pump located at the lowest point of the Asko washer, which is where any used water will flow before it’s driven out through the drain hose.

The drain pump will turn on several times throughout a wash cycle, each time to remove dirty water to be replaced with fresh water to continue the washing process. Besides that, the drain pump will also activate if the washer overfills with water during the filling phase of the wash program.

The final time the drain pump will turn on is at the end of the wash cycle during the spin and drain phases.

How it fails: Firstly, the pump could have become clogged with dirt or foreign objects that have fallen out of clothes pockets. Besides that, it’s also likely that the pump has simply worn itself out after being in use for a long time.

How to fix: The drain pump is another component that must be replaced, as it cannot be repaired.

To do that, you’ll need to remove the washer’s front panel and access the existing drain pump quickly. From there, you can remove the water hoses and electrical connectors attached to them. Once it’s free, you can then remove the drain pump from its rubber mounts.

Then, take the new pump and mount it using the same rubber mounts, and reconnect all the hoses and electrical connectors the same way as before.

How To Clear The F2 Error Code?

To clear the F2 error code, you must first resolve the root cause. You can do so by following the troubleshooting steps detailed above. Once you do that, you won’t have to worry about the F2 code persisting or coming back anytime soon.

Suppose the code doesn’t go away even after you’ve fixed the problem. If that’s the case, you can then reset your Asko washing machine.

How To Reset An Asko Washer?

Resetting your Asko washing machine is very straightforward. Follow these steps:

  • Firstly, disconnect all power to your Asko washer. That means removing the plug from the wall socket and shutting off the dedicated circuit breaker if it has one.
  • Next, press and hold the Start/Pause button for five seconds. This step will help to discharge any remaining electrical charge inside the washer.
  • Lastly, reconnect the washer and use it like normal. Your washing machine has been reset.

How To Test An Asko Washer After Fixing It?

After fixing it, the most effective way to test your Asko washer is to run a complete wash cycle from start to finish. That way, you’ll see if there are any problems and whether any error codes are displayed.

For a more thorough test, you can also enter the machine’s diagnostic mode

How To Enter Diagnostic Mode?

The diagnostic mode on Asko washing machines is also referred to as the service test mode. You can run this mode by following these steps:

  • Within ten seconds, Press P1 five times. That will put your machine into the service test mode.
  • At this point, each button on the control panel will correspond to a specific test. So, for example, P2, P3, P4, and the Menu buttons will run different tests on the water inlet valve.
    • To test the drain pump, you’ll need to enter level two by pressing the Enter button. Then, P2 will correspond to the drain pump test.

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