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3 Reasons Why Coffee Machine Not Turning On – Troubleshooting Guide

Coffee machines are some of the most basic and straightforward home appliances you can buy. It has very few components, and almost none of them are complex. That makes troubleshooting much simpler if your coffee machine won’t turn on.

When your coffee machine doesn’t turn on, there’s a lack of incoming power, damaged switches or controls, a tripped safety thermostat, or a failed circuit board. Damaged switches and control boards need to be replaced. However, you can quickly reset a tripped safety thermostat yourself.

This guide will show you everything you need to troubleshoot your coffee machine. Read until the end to know how to get yours back on as soon as possible.

How Do You Fix A Coffee Maker That Won’t Turn On?

Just because your coffee machine won’t turn on doesn’t mean your whole morning is ruined. Here are 4 of the most likely reasons it’s happening and how you can fix it:

Incoming Power Supply

About this: Your coffee machine must have a stable power supply to boil the water and make the beverage. That supply comes through the machine’s cord that plugs into your nearby wall socket.

Also, you must remember another piece of the puzzle: the circuit breaker. All circuits have one, including the circuit that powers that wall socket.

So whenever you troubleshoot your coffee machine’s power supply (or lack thereof), the power cord, wall socket, and circuit breaker are the first things you’ll want to rule out.

What happened: Your coffee machine isn’t turning on because it has no incoming power supply. That’s because the power cord could be damaged, the wall socket could be faulty, or the circuit breaker could have tripped.

One or more of these items can prevent your coffee machine from powering on.

How to fix it: Coffee machine power cords are replaceable, and you can reset tripped circuit breakers. That’s excellent news because it means you can resolve the problem yourself.

Just be sure to purchase a compatible power cord from the same manufacturer as the coffee machine. That way, you’ll avoid safety and compatibility issues associated with buying replacement parts from a third-party supplier.

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Wall sockets, however, are trickier for most people. You’ll need to call an electrician if you cannot diagnose and fix it yourself.

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Damaged Controls Or Switches

About this: What do basic coffee machines have in common with high-end, complicated models? They all have controls and switches.

At a minimum, your coffee machine will have an ON/OFF switch or control. However, models with more features and functions will have many more.

The ON/OFF switch does exactly what its name suggests. It allows you to turn the machine on or power it down.

What happened: Another issue you might have is that the coffee machine’s buttons or controls are damaged. You can’t control the machine’s features and functions when that happens.

More specifically, the ON/OFF button or switch is the one that’s not working. So, even though you have a reliable power supply and all the machine’s components are in excellent condition, that damaged switch will stop it from turning on when you activate it.

How to fix it: You’ll have to inspect the ON/OFF switch or button closely to find out what’s wrong with it. There’s always a chance that its wires have come loose or undone, and all you have to do is reattach them.

However, it could also be that the switch has shorted out entirely and no longer has any electrical continuity. In that case, you’ll have to replace it with a new one.

Read: Why Breville Coffee Machine Not Turning On? – Troubleshooting Guide

Tripped Safety Thermostat

About this: Your coffee machine must boil water and maintain it at a precise temperature. That way, it can maximize coffee flavor and keep it consistent with each batch.

Coffee machines rely on a thermostat to do that. That component senses the water temperature and triggers the heating element on and off as needed to keep the water hot.

What happened: Some coffee machines have a safety thermostat. Aside from ensuring the water gets hot enough, it also doubles as a safety feature preventing overheating damage. 

Should the coffee machine reach dangerous temperatures, the thermostat will trip, stopping it from heating further.

If your coffee machine won’t turn on, there’s a strong chance that the safety thermostat inside was tripped. As a result, it prevents your coffee machine from turning back on.

How to fix it: Tripped safety thermostats can be reset. First, you’ll have to disconnect the machine from its power source and access its internal parts.

Once you locate the thermostat, you’ll see a small button that you can press. Then, use a pen or other small tool to press that button to reset the thermostat.

Then, reassemble the coffee machine and power it up. You’ll find that the machine can turn on normally again.

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Failed Circuit Board

About this: Some coffee machines are very simple and straightforward machines. Others are much more technologically sophisticated. More complex coffee machines tend to have a circuit board inside that controls all their functions.

The board is a standard printed circuit board (PCB) that you’ll find in most household appliances. It has components that send and receive electrical signals to ensure the machine perfectly carries out your chosen settings.

What happened: Unfortunately, circuit boards can suffer various forms of damage. More commonly, they suffer from electrical faults like short circuits. Besides that, water can also leak into its compartment and damage it that way.

Regardless of how it gets damaged, a failed circuit board will make the coffee machine unresponsive when you try to turn it on.

How to fix it: When a circuit board fails, it’s not worth saving. Sure, it’s technically possible to repair the damaged components on a circuit board. Unfortunately, it’s far too challenging trying to get replacement parts and fixing them with your own two hands.

That’s why the more practical solution is to purchase a brand new board from the manufacturer. Then, you’ll only have to replace the failed board with the new one to get your coffee machine up and running again.

Bear in mind that the circuit board is likely one of the most expensive parts to replace in your coffee machine. So, take a few moments to consider if its cost is worth it or if you’d be better off upgrading to a new coffee machine.

Read: Why Breville Espresso Machine Not Grinding – Troubleshooting Guide

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Need a few more ideas? Here are some frequently asked questions to help you with your coffee machine:

Should You Turn Your Coffee Machine Off At Night?

Yes, you should turn off your coffee machine at night to save power. Don’t worry if you forget to do it, though. Most coffee machines shut themselves off automatically after a few hours.

Can A Coffee Machine Overheat?

Yes, coffee machines can overheat as a result of faulty components. Thankfully, safety thermostats and thermal cutoffs prevent the overheating from going too far. Those features cut off power to the machine and allow it to cool back down to safe temperatures.

Read: Why Breville Espresso Machine Not Pumping Water? – Troubleshooting Guide

Is There A Fuse In A Coffee Maker?

Yes, coffee machines have fuses in them. You’ll usually find the fuse in its power plug or somewhere within its main body. The fuse protects the appliance in case of power surges or other electrical faults.

Why Does My Coffee Maker Keep Turning Off?

Your coffee maker keeps turning off when it’s out of water. The machine can sense when there’s no water to make coffee with. It’ll then shut off to save power and prevent overheating.

How Do You Use A Coffee Maker Without Electricity?

The only way to use a coffee maker when you can’t turn it on is to heat water another way. For example, you can boil water on a stove and gently pour it over the coffee grounds and filter in your coffee machine.

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