Did you recently put a load of clothes in your Whirlpool washer and have them come out wet? Is your Whirlpool washer not spinning?
If your washer is spinning, but not expelling the water from your clothes there is a different problem with your machine.
While this can be very frustrating, we have some potential problems and fixes for you to try. Here’s a look at what may be happening.
Here is a shortlist of what may go wrong and what you need to check:
- Unbalanced Load
- Drain Hose Clogged
- Shift Actuator Failed
- Drain Filter Clogged
- Defective Drain Pump
- Lid Switch Failed
- and more
Is The Load In the Drum Out Of Balance?
This is the simplest of all the fixes we will discuss. Sometimes when you wash bulky items such as blankets, it can cause the tub or drum to become out of balance.
When this occurs the water will not drain properly, and can leave your clothes soaking wet.
The washer will not proceed to the spin cycle, once an unbalanced load detected.
Always try to create a good balance with your wash loads.
You can do this by adding less or more items to ensure the garments are not too heavy on one side.
After the wash cycle has ended you will know if this is the issue because the contents in the washer will be primarily on one side. If this occurs, balance it out and run the spin cycle again.
Inspect The Drain Hose (not Common Issue)
The next thing you will want to check is the drain hose connected to the back of your washing machine.
If this hose is bent or clogged it will restrict the water from draining out, and your clothes will come out wet after the cycle is finished.
You’ll need to disconnect the hose from the drain pump and make sure the hose isn’t bent. Also, check for blockages restricting water flow in both the hose and the drain pump.
It’s also a great idea to check that the drain hose is positioned correctly. If the hose is too far or not far enough down inside the standpipe, it can cause improper draining. This in turn causes the Whirlpool washer to not drain the water completely.
Shift actuator failed
Another common issue with Whirlpool top loading machine is when shift actuator stopped working properly.
This actuator switch transmission gears between the agitating and spin cycle.
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But also counting revolutions of the basket, cause it have a basket speed sensor.
If it failed mechanically or electrically, the washer will be stuck in the agitating cycle and will not proceed to the spin cycle.
Check The Coin Trap or Drain Filter (Common Issue)
Your Whirlpool machine has what’s called a coin trap or drain filter. When this becomes blocked your washing machine will not spin your clothes dry.
This part is located near the pump and works as a filter to trap any foreign object that gets into the drain. The most common objects are small ones left in pockets such as keys, coins, paperclips, pins, and even small socks, etc.
You can find the drain filter behind the access panel on the bottom front of your machine. The filter is easy to clean and once it’s clean the water should flow better when draining from the machine.
The Drain Pump May be Clogged or Defective
If the hose and filter are both okay, you’ll need to check the drain pump.
It may be clogged with debris or could be defective and needs to be replaced.
To check this you will need to disconnect the drain hose, and remove the back panel from your Whirlpool washer.
Any debris that’s present will be easy to see.
If there are no visible blockages you’ll want to use a
To check this remove the wire connectors from both terminals on the pump.
You’ll need to test both terminals. Depending on your individual machine, the
If the reading is showing zero, the drain pump should be removed and replaced.
If Your Machine Has A Belt, Check It
Your Whirlpool washer may have a belt that helps the drum spin. With normal use over time, the belt can become stretched or worn. When this occurs it affects how fast the machine can spin.
When the washer belt becomes stretched it begins to slide around during wash cycles, and the washer will not be able to reach fast enough speeds to remove all the surplus water from your clothes.
The belt may be located on the front or back of your washer, depending on your specific Whirlpool model.
Once you locate it, inspect it for visible wear and tear.
If the belt is okay it will be snug and won’t wobble when turning the washer drum.
If the belt is visibly worn, stretched, or it moves when you turn the drum, you’ll need to have it replaced.
Check The Door Lock or Lid Switch (Most Common issue)
Whirlpool washer will not spin if door lock (for front loading machine) or lid switch (for top loading machine) if malfunctioned.
Door lock switch stays in series with wash motor electrical circuit.
And if the door lock is open, power will not flow to the motor.
The Clutch (Not a Common Issue)
If your Whirlpool is a direct drive washer it may have a failing clutch. The clutch will prematurely wear due to loading the washer improperly.
You can do an easy eyeball test where you simply lean it back and look at the area surrounding the gearcase and clutch for signs of oil. If there is a lot of oil present, replace the gearcase.
Or, if you’d like to get more advanced with the eyeball test try this:
- Use pliers to compress the clutch ring’s spring. Remove it from the drum
- Check the rivet holes where the ring pads are held in place.
- If there’s a great deal of debris in the holes, change the clutch.
- Check the clutch for a glazed look that appears glossy and reflects light. This also signifies that it needs to be changed.
- When checking these items, don’t remove the outer tub, simply remove the gearcase.
The Washer Timer or Control Board Failed (Not common issue)
Finally, if you’ve exhausted every other tip on this list it’s time to check the washer timer.
Your Whirlpool’s transmission has what’s called a neutral stop. This means the washer is stopped by a timer momentarily during the spin cycle so the spin can be engaged.
If your machine doesn’t do this, the washer timer is faulty and needs to be replaced.
You can check this by monitoring the machine while the load is draining. Once it’s been draining for 3 minutes go ahead and open the lid and close it again. If it spins, replace the timer.
Have you had similar problems with your Whirlpool washer? What did you do to fix it? Do you have other questions regarding the issue? Leave us a comment below and let’s discuss.
5d code and clothes are wet and very little water in bottom of washer. Older model Whirlpool. Probably had 16 yrs and never any problems before. wtw7320yw0
Did you figure out a fix for this? We have the same issue.
Wtw5000dw1 is getting stuck in spin mode I was told by an appliance guy it was the switch replaced it and still having the same issue
I have a Cabrio washer model WTW5500XW2. It wouldn’t spin so I replaced the door lock switch, shift actuator, control board, it still doesn’t spin fast enough to get the water out of a load. I have to do drain & spin 4 times to get load dry enough to put in the dryer. Now what?
Did you run a diagnostic mmode on your washer? What kind of error code did you get?
Hello I have a whirlpool Cabrio washer when start up it tries to then the lid light blinks I’ve replaced lid switch the control board and actuator switch twice operation the same and when I open the top lid to turn the drum just move a little both ways help
You need to run a diagnostic mode to see what errors caused this issue. Other than that, I would inspect a wire harness to the actuator switch, to make sure there is no broken wire
I have a whirlpool washer/dryer stackable. The washer does not spin the cloths dry. I have tried different settings, less garments, and even had a repair man out to see what the problem was. The gist of what he said, is that the washer just is incapable of spinning at the speed I want. I just replace a set 13 years old that spun the clothes to damp. I do not believe that a newer machine would be built to lesser capabilities.
Hello, please help!
Whirlpool GST9630PW2 top load washer will fill, wash, empty water, but will NOT spin.
Shorted-out lid switch, still doesn’t spin.
Inspected motor coupler and it seems intact, if it was bad, it probably wouldn’t agitate, right?
When in spin cycle, machine hums, but it doesn’t sound like the motor is turning and I can’t manually turn the inner drum.
Clutch pads is worn out. Here is a new one
Check this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVc6SZ2DD4U
Hi my whirlpool top loader won’t spin and there is water still at the bottom that won’t drain and has the message draining water remove clothes or start cycle. You can hear the motor going but none of the lights on screen turn on and it just stays running but nothing is happening. What can cause this? It’s a brand new washer. Barely bought it in January.
My washer washes my cloth but doesn’t drain the water completely out of my cloths I then set it on drain and spin to the get the water out and it works but a pain to do it every wash. why is it doing this??
Hey Jane Boyd, did you happen to find out what was wrong with your washer, mine is doing same as you described and it’s brand new. Please email or reply, thank you so much! Hannah J.
Hey Hanna, just wondering if Jane had responded to you. I’m having the same problem with my 1 yr old whirlpool washer. Plz respond if you know something that I can try, it’s driving me insane ! Thanks ahead of time for any info.
Mine is doing the same thing what was the problem
Hi, we have a top loading Whirlpool washer that stops in the spin cycle. While it does work just fine during all other cycles just not the spin cycle. I’ve tried unplugging it, resetting the switch on the wall and still nothing. I can’t hear the motor running at all as if it just shuts off after the rinse cycle. What can cause this to happen?
WHats the model number of your washer?
Whirlpool WTW 5000DWI
It will not spin
But will drain if we play with it
I bypassed the lid switch as that was the problem and was able to drain the water out. Now it will not fill with water? Idea on what would be wrong now?
Whirlpool washer top load
Definitely not lid switch… But, If it will not fill: 1) Water tap is off 2) Water inlet valve failed 3)Try different cycle
Front loading model, washes fine but won’t go into spin *most* times. It goes into the spin cycle, turning the drum and low speed trying to balance and pumping out water every so often, but it very rarely goes into high-speed mode. Once in a while you can get it to go by selecting rinse and spin and turning off rinse. That used to work 80% of the time, then 50%, now maybe 20%.
You note this is often the door switch or lock. You say the door lock is in series with the motor. So would a broken switch/lock not stop *all* operations on a front-load?
I also assume its not the controller or the timers being broken, as it does enter the cycle and sometimes runs, and it otherwise washes fine. No error codes or anything. You mention “diagnostic mode” but I couldn’t find how to do that.
The coin trap is clear, I clear that every so often (man is it hard to get it open!). Draining otherwise fine, the water is coming out fast (I can see the outlet).
What other things might cause this?
if your washer, at least, goes in the low-speed spin cycle, most likely it’s not a door lock-related problem. If it would be a door lock issue, it will not go in the spin cycle at all.
Could you provide the model number, I will try to figure out what may cause this spin issue for this particular washer model?
I’m having the same problem. Whirlpool WFW90HEFC1
My whirlpool duet spins in rinse/drain spin but will not spin in small, normal, heavy mode???
4 year old kenmore 500 series top loader. Clothes still wet and when another drain/spin cycle water added when it should not be. Changed lid switch ok for 2 washes and clothes wet again but use drain/spin and all water drained. Should not have to keep adding drain/spin. What can I do
Sorry, have no idea. Call Whirlpool
My world pool washer 1CWTW5200VQ1 spins when its draining and drying but does not spin to wash the cloths i already changed the clutch
Mine is doing the same on towel cycle. Even when only 4 towels. Other cycles fine. I can do towels on bulky/bedding cycle fine. Spin and drain works fine.
Washer on spin and drain cycle sounds like it is slipping and not fully spinning out the water from the wet clothes
It depends what kind of washer you have, but for me it sounds like you have top loading machine with a faulty clutch transmission. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kpC3s92S1JU
My whirlpool 7.5 kg top loader, has an issue where it doesn’t spin now and again although it goes through all the motions. I have found that if I grab the tub inside and turn a few times and then go back to spin cycle and turn on, it will spin but not as spun out as it use to . What part do I need to look at replacing.
Thats odd… Did you try to run washer on Spin ONLY cycle? Does it work ok?
I have a Cabrio WTW5500XW2 It stopped prior to the spin cycle with the tub empty but the clothes soaked. It now only lights up the sensing led and then the lid locks and after 20 seconds it unlocks and shuts off Unplugged for ten minutes twice and same thing happens Sometimes it sounds like it wants to start but shuts off Help!
You need to run diagnostic mode and see what error codes stored in the memory. If there are no error codes, then there is problem with the control board
Same problem with a WTW5700XL2 washer as William mentioned above.
Ran diagnostic mode and as I rotated the dial, got these codes (in order as rotating the dial one click clockwise, then repeats:
F7 E6, F7 E5, F0 E2, F0 E0, CL
Signs pointing me to the actuator, but unable to confirm using these codes. Looking for any additional pointers (or confirmation). TYIA
I have a whirlpool front load washer and it works great; other than it’s final run it won’t go in final high spin and drain mode.
1. Door lock malfunctioned
2. Drain issues
Any fix? This is the same problem I’m having with the exact model. Thanks
My whirlpool washer model # wtw58008w0 starter button flashing even disconnect power plug still flash also hold start button for 3 second for 5x can’t get code also I try leave on normal 1 click left 3 clicks clockwise 1 click to left and 1 click clockwise nothing still not working please help .Thanks
Are you sure you disconnect the right plug? washer doesnt have any batteries
My washer is not washing at all not spinning correctly and the lid lock keeps going on and off . Im thinking after reading this page its the lid lock issue but how is that repaired?
Check that lock, to make sure nothing got stuck in there. Ive seen several times when plastic piece got stuck in the lock, not allowing to fully lock
washing was coming wet after spin cycle. removed all pipes and cleaned, cleaned out pump and re routed drain hose to remove any pos. kinks ran a spin cycle using wet washing and all fine.
Question when I removed the pipe from the pump a small round
soft rubber disc shaped item came out. It has 3 very small holes in it but its dia would I think would have allowed it to get trapped in the water outlet pipe. I have left it out as could not see a way to hold it in place will this be ok Bryan R.
hi, my front load washer will wash but does not spin even in spin cycle select. i have checked the pump, (replaced) shocks, hoses, belt and all seem fine.
Does the drum turning during the wash cycle? Then could be the problem with the door lock