Why my washing machine won’t spin or drain? What is responsible for having to wait for so long before my washer responds to action?
You have come across people use these expressions before. Perhaps, you have also out of frustration abandoned your washer to employ the service of a laundryman.
The first thing to look out for when you observe that your washing machine won’t spin is whether your machine is overstuffed with clothing.
Also, try to find out if the load in the machine is balanced.
What about trying to check if the lid switch is faulty on top-loading washing machine?
Experience has also shown that a washing machine that won’t spin may have its drive belt overheating.
These and many others are common issues that often affect your washer from functioning optimally.
Once you know this, you will once again regain the joy of your most exciting house chore.
It does not get more relieving than simply dipping your dirty clothes into a machine, press two or three buttons and then, after a few minutes, retrieve them clean and dry.
However, if your washing machine doesn’t spin properly, there is good news for you.
The phenomenon is not uncommon, and the solutions are right with you to tap into.
Find out in this post what steps to take to rectify the problem or prevent future re-occurrence of the washing machine not spinning.
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What To Check :
Too much load in the washing machine
Certainly, not everyone understands this rule, perhaps of the dislike for washing.
The more clothing that gets into the washing machine, the less the spinning power of the machine.
If you are the type who like to compensate your hate for laundry by stuffing a large amount of clothes into the washer all at once, then you’re likely to be met with a bad result.
And that is the fact that your washing machine won’t spin.
Uneven load
What is the problem if the washing machine won’t spin? It is impossible for your washer’s spin cycle to function well- if at all, it will function- if the wash load is much and does not maintain balance.
This usually occurs whenever there is an overlap of one heavy process with another during cleaning.
Sometimes clothing can settle on one side of the drum, throwing off the motion of the washing machine.
For instance, if your machine starts to clean heavy items like a bedsheet, washable pet bed, bath sheet, or a comforter, and a clump of other sullen, big lump just clogs the process, the result is that spinning stops and may not function again unless repaired.
This unbalanced load of the machine can also cause an ineffective spin cycle.
Broken Lid Switch
The hard fact is that the moment the lid switch is faulty, your washing machine won’t spin.
Especially if you’re using a top-loading machine which generally has a lid switch, try to find out the signals it’s bringing.
The switch indicates signals to the washer when the lid is not properly closed.
However, once the lid switch is faulty, it no longer gives the signal and the consequence is that your washing machine does not spin.
You can get lid switch here
Drain pump clogged
Again, lack of or inadequate drainage is a grave reason your LG washer is not spinning fast or fails to spin.
If your laundry load has been drained of water, the result is that your washer won’t spin.
You may notice as well that your clothes wet after washing. It’s obvious that the washing machine didn’t spin.
The problem often arises when the drainage hose is clogged or kinked with small particles such as stone, buttons, or coins.
So, before raising alarm after trying the first three rules, never get frustrated. Or something got stuck in the drain pump. Check your drain filter.
Drive motor failure
Your washing machine has a drive motor. If it is loose, worn out or broken, it will not work properly.
So, you may need to tighten the belt or replace it completely. It is also possible that the drive is burnt out even as your machine’s agitation apparently functions correctly.
The next time you ask ‘why does my washer sometimes not spin,’ then check out this issue.
Clutch assembly
This is one common problem with some top-loading washers. A clutch that is worn out can prevent your machine from spinning.
On top-loading machines, the clutch assembly is used to lock the transmission input shaft to the wash basket drive during the spin cycle.
But repeated friction of the clutch pads against the housing can cause the pad to wear, thus creating a scrapping sound.
A damaged clutch may also cause a slower spin speed. Your washing machine won’t properly.
Motor Hall Sensor failure
There is another common problem appears on front load washing machines like Samsung, LG, Kenmore, etc.
They have a direct drive motor that has Hall Sensor. This sensor counting revolutions per minute and send readings to the control board.
That’s how control board knows what the speed of the drum is.
If Hall Sensor failed or wires to the sensor been broken, the washing machine will not go to the full spin or even will not spin at all.
Unleveled washing machine
While it may seem like a no-brainer, if the positioning of your machine on its adjustable pedestal is unbalanced, your washer won’t spin properly.
The result is an excessive noise and vibration during washing process. With this hint, you won’t bother yourself asking ‘why does my washer sometimes not spin?
What to do to avoid or stop washing machine not spinning
As you are aware, it is better to avoid damage to your machine.
However, whenever there is a problem as to your washing machine not spinning, take the following steps to address each of them. You can use DIY or seek the service of a professional.
There are general precautions you have to take, such as trying to avoid overstuffing your machine.
If you allow yourself to be forced into fishing out a dripping wad of soggy excess fabric stuffed in the washer, you may cause extra damage to your machine.
How do you fix a Kenmore washer that won’t spin? If your washer is unbalanced, then try to simply adjust the legs of the washer so that the whole body of the machine is absolutely level.
Other technical fixes include:
Replace a damaged belt
Once you identify that the drive belt is defective, the next thing is to replace it.
However, before replacing the drive, you should be sure that any belt tensioning device like an idler pulley or motor glide work properly and moves freely.
Also, be sure that the transmission pulley turns free in both the spin and agitation directions. The agitator should not be impeded in any way.
Opening up clogged drainage
What is the problem if the washing machine won’t spin fast? Whether it is inadequate or no drainage, the fix is simple.
The first step is to unkink the hose. Detach and unclog the hoses leading from the appliance to its drain pump.
This may require you to remove the rear end of the washer. If you’re using a DIY system, check manufacturers’ manual for adequate and right instructions.
A clogged drainage will also create a problem that your washer won’t spin all the water out.
Level machine legs
You can quickly solve the problems associated with uneven standing by checking out if there are noises and vibration when washing is going on.
A confirmation of your suspicion shows that you need to adjust each of the individual legs of the machine to make them even and level against the floor.
Fixing faulty lid switch
Check the other side of the lid. What you find there is a small protrusion that activates the switch into action when you close the lid.
Check if is bent or out of shape. You can try to bend it back. If you succeed, great; if you don’t, then the best is to replace the lid switch. It won’t cost you much, maybe something in the region of $50 to $60.
Maintain a balanced load
So, you now know the solution if your whirlpool washing is not spinning or your washing machine won’t spin all the water out.
If the load is unbalanced, too, try to open the machine. Meanwhile, your front load washer won’t spin if the lock is on.
You don’t have to unlock it as the machine will automatically unlock at the end of a complete cycle.
After opening or self-opening, manually shift the contents of the machine around to maintain even distribution in the washer.
Replacing worn clutch
You will find the clutch usually beneath the outer tub, and it is attached to the basket drive assembly.
Remove the entire cabinet that house clutch and other component parts to be able to gain access to the clutch.
A professional service is highly recommended here. The next time you observe your washing machine drum not spinning, quickly fix the clutch.
Check the power source
Don’t ignore any detail when it comes to making your machine work effectively. Make sure you double-check that the washing machine is plugged, and properly so.
It’s likely a cycle bump may have caused a machine plug to remove from its place. Also, check out for the home circuit breaker if it has not tripped off.
One interesting thing about the washing machine is that it gives you room to do some other things while your laundry is on.
So, if your washing machine doesn’t spin or drain, you’re sure it can be frustrating. You cannot afford to leave the machine in bad shape.
Always carry out operational checks on the machine to find out if there are faults. Ensure there is regular servicing on your machine.
This is to make sure that you discover the faults as early as possible. Your machine is truly a home help.
Without it, you may lose some groove trying to start to do manual washing. It can be crazy and tiring. You wouldn’t want to employ a professional service for every fault detected.
However, try to check the manual for every DIY fix you want to do. The best cure is to prevent, you know.
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